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Full-service Inorganic

Need more than self-serve? Not all of our customers want to run their own strategic process. Some...

Adjust Your Focus

1. Adjust Your Focus! Most startups think buyers will be interested in their customers, revenue, and...

Identify Key Capabilities

2. Identify Key Capabilities What are the 3 or 4 functions that your product or team performs...

Identify Use Cases

3. Identify Use Cases How could an acquirer use your capabilities to generate new revenue...

Identify Segments

4. Identify Segments What types of companies would have my use cases? Brainstorm as many segments as...

Calculate Your Value

5. Calculate Your Value How much value does my company create for an acquirer? A key to strategic...

Understand Value Friction

6. Understand Value Friction The buyer will not be willing to pay the full value you calculate...

Rank Your Prospects

7. Rank Your Prospects Determine which prospects are your best prospects by factoring Value...

Identify the Right Contact

8. Identify the Right Contact Who is the right person to contact at a prospective acquirer? There is...

Craft the Right Message

9. Craft the Right Message The right message makes it easy for your prospect to engage. Strategic...

Start Your Outreach

10. Start Your Outreach Email is the standard for strategic outreach. A few guidelines will help...

Come to Terms

11. Come to Terms Congrats, you have one or more interested parties. Now it’s time to negotiate...

Due Diligence

12. Due Diligence Diligence is typically a 1-2 month period during which the buyer can review...