2. Identify Key Capabilities

What are the 3 or 4 functions that your product or team performs particularly well?

Valuable capabilities can be market-facing or internal, broad or narrow.

The test for notable capabilities are:

  • Useful to a user. Having a “great company culture” is valuable, but not to a user.
  • Have a direct path to financial impact, i.e. revenue potential or cost savings.
  • Specific and differentiating. Being skilled at front end development, for example, is not differentiating enough since good front end development is available in thousands of places.


Say you are a company that offers sentiment analysis from inbound email. Your capabilities might be:

• Identifying customers that are close to churning
• Mapping sentiment to customer actions
• Deep integrations with all major email services

Notice that these range from broad market-facing features to internal know-how.

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